Innovative Technologies
All Process in Tip Technology
In the biotechnology-related business market, where PSS operates, there are two markets: the research support market and the in vitro diagnosis (IVD) market. Each market has the areas of genetic testing and protein testing. By developing innovative technologies suitable for both genetic and protein testing, PSS seeks to offer automated systems to the research support market as well as to the IVD market.
PSS promotes technological development aimed at the establishment of automated systems that enables “rapid, accurate and easy” operation in the IVD market. Based on our core technological concept that we could automate the complicated reaction processes with simplest mechanism, we have realized all the necessary reaction processes in a single pipetting tip by using a pre-packaged reagent cartridge.
We named this technology the APiT® (All Process in Tip Technology).
Comprehensive Systems
Rapid, Accurate, Easy
Magtration® Technology
PSS invented a control technique of magnetic particles, by using a device based on a conventional X-Y-Z-axis pipetting machine.
Column Tip
Automated sample pretreatment by using a "Column Tip" with various commercially available carriers sealed in a uniquely-shaped pipetting tip.
Bellows Tip
PSS devised a bellows-type disposable tip that made the expensive cylinder unit unnecessary and provided a simple and compact automated apparatus.
BIST® Technology
BIST® (Beads array In Single Tip) is a multiplex detection tool developed for automated simultaneous multi-item measurements.
Master Tip®
The Master Tip® is a disposable, self-contained, 8 channel tip. Several Master Tips can be combined to form an inexpensive 48 or 96 well pipetting head.
Meeting the Changing Demands of Specialized Fields
Simplifying the Science of Discovery
PSS is committed to the rapid development of products in various fields such as infectious disease, oncology, genetics, human identification, animals, and plants in order to contribute to the world’s ongoing health needs.