Column Tip

What Is the Column Tip?

How It Works

All bio analyses; such as, gene typing, gene expression analysis, biological protein analysis, screening of useful biomarkers, etc. need sample preparation, that is, extraction and purification of targeted substances from samples or removal of unneeded substances. PSS has automated sample pretreatment by using a “Column Tip” containing various commercially available carriers sealed in a uniquely-shaped pipetting tip.

Protein purification with open column, which has been used to carry out by manual operation, can be processed easily by using the Column Tip. Specifically, high level of automated protein purification is possible by simple and convenient operation in combination of prepackaged reagents needed for purification and “Purelumn” system.

Applications of Column Tip

PSS has developed Various Column Tips for maximizing performance of the carrier sealed in the column tip.

The combination of the Column Tip with the Magtration® tip would enable automation of purification and concentration of samples in various fields.

① Magtration® tip for handling of liquid and magnetic particles
② Affinity column tip containing a carrier for adsorption of proteins and nucleic acids
③ Gel filtration column tip for gel filtration of separating proteins and nucleic acids by size
④ Filter tip for separation and concentration by using a membrane filter or an ultra-filtration membrane

Genetic field
① + ③
Magtration® tip for handling of liquid and magnetic particles
① + ④
Nucleic acid extraction or PCR clean up –> Concentration or high-purity purification (complete removal of few magnetic particles)
Proteome field
① + ③
Extraction/purification of fusion proteins –> buffer exchange (demineralization)
① + ④
Extraction/purification of fusion proteins –> molecular sieve (removal of protein polymer)
① + ③ + ①
Removal of abundant proteins –> buffer exchange (demineralization) –> enzyme digestion (trypsin-immobilized magnetic beads)
② + ③
Removal of abundant proteins –> buffer exchange (demineralization), affinity purification –> buffer exchange
② + ③ + ④ + ①
Removal of abundant proteins –> buffer exchange (demineralization) –> concentration, affinity purification –> buffer exchange –> concentration, target capture –> buffer exchange (demineralization) –> concentration
② + ③ + ④ + ①
Removal of abundant proteins –> buffer exchange (demineralization) –> concentration –> enzyme digestion (trypsin-immobilized magnetic beads)

Meeting the Changing Demands of Specialized Fields

Simplifying the Science of Discovery

PSS is committed to the rapid development of products in various fields such as infectious disease, oncology, genetics, human identification, animals, and plants in order to contribute to the world’s ongoing health needs.

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